Enquiry Now

Exploring Careers in the Social Sector

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.”
- George Lucas
Suncity School-37D recently organized a session titled 'Exploring Careers in the Social Sector' for students in Grades X-XII on May 3rd, 2024. The guest speaker, Ms. Uma Seth, Senior Director of CSR Projects at FICCI, shared her personal journey, starting from her school days to her current position. She offered valuable insights into careers in the humanities, providing guidance on career progression. Ms. Seth engaged the students by facilitating a Q&A session and incorporating a presentation to make the session interactive and engaging. The event concluded with Ms. Guneeet Ohri, the Director, felicitating Ms. Seth, and the Principal, Ms. Jayshree Patel, expressing gratitude to the guest speaker and sharing her concluding remarks.