Debate exists as to how best to prepare our learners for a successful and meaningful life outside the classroom. Sometimes traditional approaches to learning – a sole concentration on “Academic” subjects such as Mathematics, Sciences, and languages - often fail to properly address the new global challenges.
To counter, “Non - academic” skills and competencies are increasingly viewed as integral to helping learners succeed in an adaptable and changing world. These skills and competencies encompass a range of non-traditional ideas, including: innovative thinking, creativity, adaptability, respect, global awareness, mutual co-existence and communication. The Friday Club initiative of Suncity School recognizes this need to better prepare young learners for the challenges of the world. Friday Clubs comprise a vast range of interests and abilities and students of the primary, middle and senior wings are active participants in clubs of their individual choice. Dance, Drama, Environment, Sculpture, Life Skills, SEWA (Social Empowerment through Work and Action). These are just a few of the activities pursued which form the building blocks of the multi - faceted personas of our learners.